Tuesday, September 13, 2005

"When we get home, I'm gonna punch your mother in the mouth."

Sheriff Buford T. Justice

That's right. Tell me what movie this exact line appears in. Keep in mind this is said by a father to a son.

Answer forthcoming.

More coming soon.


Blogger Lena Webb said...

Sounds like some dumb Western on AMC I watched after getting an impacted 18-year-molar ripped out of my face. I could have also been watching CSPAN for all I know, with the hydrocodone pulsing through my veins and a mixture of blood and drool leaking from my mouth onto the throw pillows.

I would have remembered some guy punching his wife in the mouth, though...

6:54 PM  
Blogger Lena Webb said...

Was I right? Was it CSPAN??

Also, I find that when I'm on drugs it's much easier to overcome my paruresis. In fact, one of the recommended drugs for paruretics is alcohol! Duh! Drink until you piss yourself! Who hasn't heard [read: tried] that one?

...And tell ol' Harvey up there to stuff a sock in it-- he isn't from Sara-motherhorseluvin'-toga so what does HE know? About anything? Why, just this evening I drank some beer out of a STEIN that had a bunch of famous Saratoga race horses on it! Who's the horse racing enthusiast now, HARVEY?

9:13 PM  

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