Friday, December 16, 2005

William Tecumseh Sherman, Union Army General

Hot or Not?????

Vote Now!


Blogger Lena Webb said...

I kind of like that he's sensitive enough to understand that men are also susceptible to breast cancer, but why he'd want his picture taken while doing a breast self-exam... I just don't know.

I'd have to go with Not Hot on this one-- I'm picky about my old men.

BUT props for the name "William Tecumseh Sherman."

2:45 PM  
Blogger Doug said...

I would have thought you would go "hot" for this one. He was the guy who coined the phrase "War is Hell", he also burned georgia to the ground, which is something you could identify with. Plus, he sort of has a charlie rose tweeker look to him.

2:14 PM  
Blogger Lena Webb said...

Well, he didn't burn it ENOUGH because what sprang up from the ashes was a really, really retarded phoenix. A phoenix that is completely incapable of flight, thought, reason, virtue, etc.

My ideal man would have burned this motherfucking state to the bottom of the ocean with nuclear yule logs and then urinated into the abyss with liquid plasma urine. And then, of course, he would have lit up two packs and smoked them all and then tossed the butts--one by one-- into the yawning oceanic/plasma/nuclear waste filled chasm and said "'aint no one gonna do no fake guv-ment science in this here state, no SUH!"

I don't think Billy T. Sherms quite lived up to my expectations historically, but you do raise an excellent point about his early efforts. I'll raise my vote to a "Okaaaaaay, but only if I'm a wee tipsy."

5:02 PM  
Blogger Doug said...

Perfect. He's a really nice guy once you get to know him, and he's really smart and sensitive about woman's needs like you pointed out with his self breast exam. He'll pick you up tomorrow night at Eight. Thanks Lena, you're doing me a solid.

5:10 PM  
Blogger Mackenzie said...

definitely hot. definitely definitely hot.

lena, WHAT?! just for the record, this half-assed agreement for his moderate attractiveness can you think stephen hawking is hot and this man isn't? sheesh.

doug, send him to boston, it's where all the patriots are.

8:33 PM  

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